Follow the following steps to add components to your page
Add needed tag to your page
<idt-face-camera-web id="face" options="off" capture="manual" ></idt-face-camera-web>
Tag Options/Attributes
Attribute | Description | Options |
id | This id a common attribute to identify the element in your page | Optional |
options | This attribute is to allow for camera options to appear. You use options to decide which camera you want to show Default: on | on | off |
mode | This specifies whether the camera should show when the page loads or should first show the placeholder with a button to start capturing. normal - shows the placeholder and a button live - shows the camera on page load Default: normal | live | normal |
capture | This option allows for automatic capture. Default: manual | manual | auto |
scan | This tag only works for idt-card-camera-web component. This tag specifies which type of card scanning do you want to do. If not set, it will try to scan for all; ocr, mrz, bardcode, qrcode Default: all | orc | mrz | all |
type | This tag only works for idt-card-camera-web component. It specifies which side of the card do you want to displayDefault: card | card | card-back |
read | This tag only works for idt-card-camera-web component. If it is set to auto , the component will scan the card automatically after capturing. If it is set to manual , a button will show which will need to be clicked to read the cardDefault: manual | auto | manual |
deviceCamera | This specifies the page to be used to capture image from external device. | Optional example. camere_page.html |
liveliness | This option enables liveliness detection | true | false |
cardtype | This attribute defines the id type country.If set to mz the card detection feature will detect mozambique id cards. If it set to tz the card detectin feature will detect tanzanian id cards | mz | tz |