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Identity-Tech Web component is a javascript library to enable capturing of face and ID Cards. The library supports selfie and portrait capturing, ID Card scanning for OCR, and matching between face captured and face on the ID Card.

The library works with a server side APIs for OCR and face matching.


We support installation through NPM and by adding a script tag from our CDN

Install Via NPM

npm install @identityd/yesid-sdk

In your Ionic / React page or component, import the package this way

import '@identityd/yesid-sdk'


Install via a script tag

<script src="{vesrion}/identityd.js" type="module"></script>


This library depend on external libraries for qr-code functionality, backend communication, and peer communication between components.

Dependencies via npm

Dependencies via Javascript

npm i @tensorflow/tfjs
npm i @teachablemachine/image
npm i axios
npm i qrious
npm i peerjs
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


This library can be used with most JS frameworks

Please note that the library expects that the application is running on a secured channel (https)